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God Squad Gaming   

Welcome to the NEW KvKGsG

titomayne | Published on the tue Feb 18, 2020 1:12 pm | 131 Views

As everyone knows the group has been taking on massive amounts of new work.  This includes all members.  With the publications of website and forums we strive to make this group better day by day.  New rules will be also coming to the group as well as a new structure.  So everything that we have done up to this point has shown us what we need to do to better the group.  I also would like to thank anyone who has went above and beyond for KvK.  The idea with the revamp of the group is to have more stability and structure this way when we climb the ladder we wont have to scramble to try to fit in new rules or things that need to be changed.  We also will be making rule changes to important sections of the group such as member induction and Supreme Counsel.  Also with all this change cool new features will be added don't wont to give too much away but members will have a point system in the forums and I am in the process of making a graphical system of achievements that are going to have small emoticons that will be representation of things that person has done.  Please share my first article let everyone know that this area of publication is available to all members and we can work on articles together.  In conclusion this publication system can be used any way you want, as long as it makes sense and works for you.  Thanks for your time and hope to see more out of everyone in the group! 

Your President 



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