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Why I think that the Red Dead Redemption 2 online was a flop

titomayne | Published on the tue Feb 18, 2020 7:31 pm | 120 Views


Ok so we all know that this is a great game.  I definetly cant deny that this game kicked ass in so many areas and ways.  Like to be honest if this article was about the single player and all the things that would accopany it i would have to say this would be one long detailed article.  This is not, this is the tragic story of my experience of the game online.  For starters I had beaten the game and had all things of that nature taken care of, but i didnt back it up on ps plus online.  This in return was a huge mistake, because not only did i spend half the morning downloading this game.  I also was pleased to see that no progress was done on the story line that i had completed early the yuear before.  So at this point im just kinda pissed in general.  Who cares I think at least i finally get to sample the online play.  I let another member know that I was going to do a test run on the game, he also wanted to see what all it was about and see the improvements that had been done to it.  So we of course both decided to give it a whirl.  Within the dan first thirty seconds you are forced to go all the way to town and do a mission and then travel here, and then travel there.  The time passed and I felt like I was no closer to online than I was before I started.  This lead to me deciding that literally most people that would want to play online do not want to have to jump hoops,  IDK it just may be me, but i do not like the introduction to the online play of Rdr2.  Although I have not gave any extra time to this subject I will update further on the online play after adequate time has been spent on the game.  Until the next article I'm Tito The pres! HOpe you enjoyed!!

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